Title: Baykar’s Bayraktar TB3 Showcased at Efes-2024 and Achieves Milestone in Export Rankings
The Bayraktar TB3 unmanned combat aerial vehicle was displayed during the major military exercise Efes-2024 in Izmir, western Türkiye, on May 28, 2024 (AA Photo).
Drone magnate Baykar reached a significant milestone by becoming one of the top 10 largest Turkish exporters in 2023, marking its place as the first defense and aerospace company on the list. This achievement was highlighted by its general manager on Saturday.
“Baykar has become one of the 10 largest exporting companies in Türkiye today. We have been the clear export leader in the defense and aerospace industry for the last three years,” Haluk Bayraktar stated in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.
The “Export Champions Award Ceremony” organized by the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) took place in Istanbul on Saturday with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan participating. Baykar, alongside other awardees in various categories, including the inaugural e-export category, was honored with the award by Erdoğan.
In the goods exports category, Baykar ranked 10th, with automaker Ford Otomotiv claiming the title of the largest exporter.
Baykar’s Journey to Success
Baykar’s journey began in the early 2000s with the Bayraktar Mini UAV, a 6 kg aircraft. Haluk Bayraktar shared insights into this journey on X: “We invested in R&D for seven years and did not earn any income during this period. All our capital was spent on R&D activities.”
Believing that UAVs would revolutionize the battlefield and become the future’s technology, Bayraktar noted, “We worked day and night with our team, believing that this adventure we set out on would create a sparking effect for our country.”
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“We climbed the stairs step by step. We researched, developed, and produced nationally and uniquely. We witnessed our national UAVs entering the inventory and changing the world,” he added.
“Our journey, which started with a single drill, has grown into a large family of 4,500 people. We carried out all our projects with our own resources and became the export leader with the Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial combat vehicle,” said Bayraktar.
Baykar has signed export contracts with 34 countries and has become one of the 100 largest companies in the world in defense and aerospace.
Expressing pride and happiness, Bayraktar emphasized that this pride “belongs to our nation, whose support we always felt.”
“We will continue to work to benefit our nation and humanity. Next in line is Bayraktar Kızılema, our age-old dream and goal,” he noted, referring to the company’s renowned unmanned fighter jet.